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Introducing your Breeze AFA Council 32 Officers

It is an exciting day for our Union as your AFA-CWA Breeze Council 32 is officially formed with the addition of Breeze Flight Attendant AFA Officers.

Thank you to all of you who exercised your voice and made officer nominations. The two individuals who received the most nominations also made a commitment to serve as your representatives. 

Congratulations to your new Breeze AFA Council 32 Officers:

President - Robynne Martino

Secretary - Natalia Astudillo

The first order of business for our new AFA Officers of Council 32 is to determine who will fill the two additional positions on the Negotiating Committee alongside Robynne as President. If you are interested in being considered for a Negotiating Committee position please reply to this newsletter with your name and contact information. As soon as your Negotiating Committee is confirmed, the Officers and Negotiators will attend training and put together our official negotiations survey to collect priorities from all Breeze Flight Attendants who have signed an AFA Membership application. 

As a new Council of AFA-CWA the most important work is negotiating a first contract that Breeze Flight Attendants can proudly vote to approve. Throughout negotiations your union (all of you with support from the Flight Attendants at the other 19 AFA airlines) will help keep you organized to look out for one another. Take the opportunity to learn more about our Flight Attendant union, and most importantly, stay close to the negotiations process. The best way to support efforts to achieve your first contract is to stay informed and involved. That means we need a Mobilization Committee with representatives from every Breeze Flight Attendant base to stay in contact with our AFA Officers and Negotiating Committee.

We already have a full structure of support from each base and this committee welcomes new members to join too. As new bases are opened we will get a Mobilization Committee structure in place there too, like at MCO.

Congratulations to the Local Membership Engagement Chairs and Committee Members who have all committed to serve in these positions:

BDL: Leanna Coy, Co-Chair; Jill Liguori, Co-Chair; Joshua Colon

CHS: Tyler Sherrow, Chair

MSY: Jennifer Crilow, Chair

ORF: Natalia Astudillo, Chair

PVD: Zac Bonhoff, Chair; Alison O'Leary; Kristen Nelson; Will Marcios

PVU: Sally Bezemer, Chair; Amy Ranahan

TPA: Ricky Gonzalez, Chair; Brittany Fuentes

If you still need to fill out your AFA-CWA Membership application do so now. This gives you the right to participate in the negotiations survey and take part in any votes. 

We are so proud to welcome you again as part of our union.

In Solidarity,

Sara Nelson
AFA International President