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Happy International Flight Attendant Day!

In this edition:

  • Happy International Flight Attendant Day
  • MXY Council 32 Officer Nominations
  • Be Active in Our Flight Attendant Union - AFA Membership

Happy International Flight Attendant Day!

Today is International Flight Attendant Day! Thank you, Aviation's First Responders.  There are a million ways that Flight Attendants are Heroes to people every single day.

Flight Attendant solidarity is more important than ever to ensure our profession and each of us are shown the respect we have earned.

We are so proud to be Flight Attendants alongside you here at Breeze, with our fellow Flight Attendants at the 19 other airlines who are AFA, and all Flight Attendants around the world!

MXY Council 32 Officer Nominiations

We encourage every Breeze Flight Attendant to learn more about what it means to represent your flying partners and serve as an AFA leader! In the meantime, two Breeze Flight Attendants will be appointed to serve as President and Secretary of your new AFA Council at Breeze based on feedback from you.

We would be thrilled to hear from you in the next few days about who you would like to have appointed as temporary officers. Please send an email to [email protected] and note in the subject line “Recommendation for Breeze AFA Leadership.”

Please recommend:

One Breeze Flight Attendant for MXY Council 32 President

One Breeze Flight Attendant for MXY Council 32 Secretary

Nominations close on June 10th at noon and appointments will be made June 11th.

Transitional Officer Responsibilities

Under the AFA Constitution and Bylaws (C&B), Breeze is a single council airline, which means that the Officers represent all of the Flight Attendants across all our bases.  We will also have a Membership Engagement Committee with chairs at each base to make sure everyone's voices are heard as we negotiate our first contract. Under AFA's structure, single council officers serve as both the Local Executive Council and the Master Executive Council. Article III.C.3 and Article VII.C.2 of the C&B spell out specific duties for the LEC & MEC President and primary duties for the LEC & MEC Secretary.

Officer responsibilities generally fall into the following categories:

  • Participate in Negotiations - bringing our Flight Attendants priorities forward. 
  • Membership Engagement- encouraging members to become involved with our union.
  • Advocating for our Members with management. 
  • Financial Oversight - budgeting and allocating members' dues effectively.
  • Communications - communicating with members, management, and others effectively.
  • Meetings - conducting and attending meetings of the union and with management.

To effectively serve and engage the members and meet expectations, the President and Secretary will share responsibilities based on their skillsets.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the President to ensure the accomplishment of all duties. The Officers will have full access to the resources of AFA's International Departments, including professional negotiators, attorneys, government affairs, safety, communications, AFA EAP and other experts to assist them. 

Take 3 Minutes to Complete Your AFA Membership Application

Our success in negotiations and our careers at Breeze will depend upon our continued solidarity and how we support each other. We encourage every single Breeze Flight Attendant to complete an AFA membership application by clicking or scanning the QR code below to gain the full benefits of membership. Even without paying a single dollar in dues, our voice and our vote will count at AFA once the membership application is on file. We will not pay dues until we as Breeze AFA Council 32 Members vote on and ratify our first contract.  Become a Member of our Flight Attendant Union so we all may fully participate in our Union.

For the electronic application, please enter BREEZE for the Class Name.

If you prefer to print, sign and mail your AFA Membership Application, here is the link.