Cease and Desist: Holding Management Accountable to Breeze Flight Attendants

As Breeze Flight Attendants, we want to have a constructive relationship with management. But right now, our relationship with management is broken.
That’s because management is not accountable to us. Management has all the power, dictating every aspect of our work lives. That’s why they’re working so hard to trick us into voting against our union.
When we vote YES for AFA, the relationship changes. Instead of management telling us how it’s going to be, management will be required by law to sit down with us like equals and negotiate a fair contract.
Management doesn’t want to be held accountable. They don’t want to follow rules. With a union contract, they won’t be able to ignore us. Once WE negotiate and ratify our contract, we’ll have real, enforceable rights on the job.
The only way to have a constructive relationship is when both parties have equal standing. Right now, we have no rights and management has all the power. Once we vote YES for AFA, that all changes.
While we work to secure our union and a legally-binding contract, let’s make sure we use the tools we have available to us. If you see management trying to intimidate Flight Attendants or interfering with our right to organize, report it right away to AFA: https://breezeafa.org/afa-legal-reporting-form
This weekend, thanks to Flight Attendant reports, AFA Legal sent a second notice of unlawful interference to management’s union-buster in chief. The letter details management’s unlawful actions and reads in part, “The foregoing unlawful conduct, considered separately or in its totality, stands to significantly impair flight attendants’ freedom of choice in the upcoming election. We demand that Breeze immediately cease and desist of the foregoing unlawful conduct and to correct its misstatements to ensure that flight attendants’ freedom of choice and the laboratory conditions requirement are maintained.”
Your reports provide the foundation necessary for these letters. These letters are an important and necessary step in the legal process of Breeze Flight Attendants holding management accountable for their unscruplulous actions. While the legal process of holding corporate accountable takes time, the Power of our Flight Attendant Solidarity is now and we can claim it now and for the rest of our Flight Attendant careers by Voting YES for AFA!
Management loves to talk about maintaining our “direct relationship.” What they mean is they like to direct our relationship, while we have no choice but to do what they say. With a union, we’ll have a real say. Let’s secure our rights and our standing, let's Vote YES for AFA.
Introducing your Breeze AFA Council 32 Officers